5 Questions with Rebecca Spanos

Name: Rebecca Spanos
Age: 25
Position: Co-Founder of NIWA

Check out Rebecca’s Instagram, LinkedIn & Website!

Describe yourself:

Spirited and driven, I’m goal-orientated, and yes, I might be a little stubborn about achieving those goals, but it keeps me focused. Alongside my determination, I have a passion for learning random facts; did you know elephants hear through their feet? In terms of adventure, while I might not be scaling mountains, I’m always eager to explore the new territories, whether it’s a hidden gem in a city or diving into the depths of a fascinating subject.

1) What is your current goal in life and why?

My current goal in life revolves around a balanced pursuit of personal and professional growth while maintaining a peaceful pace along this journey. I believe in the power of continual self-improvement and development, both in my personal life and in my career. However, I also recognize the importance of finding harmony and tranquillity amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Founding NIWA (www.niwa-at.org) has been instrumental in shaping this mindset. As an organisation dedicated to promoting personal and professional growth through various resources and initiatives, NIWA has provided me with a platform to not only cultivate my own skills and ambitions but also to help others do the same. 

While I am driven to achieve my ambitions, I also recognize the importance of self-care, mindfulness, and taking time to appreciate the journey. By finding this equilibrium, I believe I can not only reach my goals but also lead a fulfilling and meaningful life.

2) My life motto is…

… ‘you miss all the chances you don’t take.’ In other words, it’s all about embracing the YOLO mindset. I firmly believe that the worst thing that can happen when you ask a question, seek help, or request inclusion in something is that the other party says ‘no.’ Rejection is just a part of stepping out of your comfort zone and pursuing opportunities. The more you push yourself to take these chances, the more confident you become. And through managing rejection, you not only grow but also open yourself up to calmer and more positive experiences. Ultimately, it’s about thriving from every experience, even the ones that initially seem daunting.

3) Feminism for me is…

… the acknowledgment of the historical and ongoing hardships endured by women, attributed to the flawed system of patriarchy. It’s about recognising the societal structures that have disadvantaged all in different ways, but especially women, while advocating for their equal rights and opportunities. Importantly, feminism acknowledges that the patriarchy affects everyone.

In our journey towards gender equality, it’s crucial to listen to one another, to hear and understand the diverse experiences and perspectives within the feminist movement. We should try to remain open-minded and empathetic, recognising the intersections of race, class, sexuality, and other identities that compound the challenges faced by all individuals under a patriarchal system. By fostering dialogue, solidarity, and inclusivity, we can effectively progress towards a more just and equitable society for all genders.

4) What would I recommend my younger self?

If I could tell my younger self one thing, it would be this: don’t let the naysayers dictate your path. Throughout life, you’ll encounter people who doubt your abilities, question your dreams, and discourage your ambitions. But I’ve learnt that their opinions don’t define your worth or determine your potential.

Instead of dwelling on negativity, focus your energy on finding and nurturing a supportive community. Surround yourself with people who uplift and empower you, who believe in your dreams as much as you do. Cultivate relationships that fuel your passion and positivity, for these connections will be the catalyst for growth and fulfilment in your life.

5) What were the driving factors that inspired you to co-found NIWA (Network of International Women in Austria)?

The driving factors that inspired me to co-found NIWA (Network of International Women in Austria) stemmed from personal experiences and a desire to make a small but significant difference in the lives of others. Moving during the challenging times of the 2020 coronavirus wave, freshly graduated from university, I found myself facing the daunting task of finding a job and integrating into a new community, particularly in a country where knowing German is crucial for navigating various systems. This experience shed light on the importance of support networks and language proficiency in adapting to a new environment.

It was during this period that I crossed paths with Estefania, and our discussions sparked the idea for NIWA. Realising the potential to assist other women facing similar challenges was incredibly motivating. Not only did it offer an opportunity to share experiences and provide mutual support, but it also pushed me out of my comfort zone by venturing into the realm of founding an organisation in a foreign country.

Since our inception in 2021, every moment dedicated to NIWA has been immensely fulfilling and rewarding. Working alongside Estefania and our dedicated team has been nothing short of inspiring. Together, we’ve had the privilege of collaborating with amazing individuals who share our vision and passion for empowering international women in Austria.

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